Warum Slack das Geheimrezept von Salesforce zur Optimierung und Skalierung der IT-Bereitstellung ist.

Business- und IT-Teams bilden das Rückgrat von erfolgreichen Unternehmen. Die Mitarbeitenden in diesen...
Slack Technologies Limited
Eyes on  the prize: Eliminate the blind spots in your digital  supply chain with Cisco ThousandEyes

One of your critical applications is down. All you know right now is there’s a faulty link somewhere. ...
Gilroy Corporate Communications Ltd
How IT teams at Salesforce scale delivery with Slack.

Business and information technology teams form the backbone of every successful enterprise. These vit...
Slack Technologies Limited
How IT teams at Salesforce scale delivery with Slack.

Business and information technology teams form the backbone of every successful enterprise. These vit...
Slack Technologies Limited
Den Kundenservice mit Slack verbessern

Kundenservice ist mittlerweile weit mehr als nur ein Kostenfaktor – er ist ein zentraler Bestandteil d...
Slack Technologies Limited
Enterprise sales teams use Slack to amplify productivity

Enterprise companies know that an account executive alone can’t provide the fast and customised custom...
Slack Technologies Limited
Enterprise sales teams use Slack to amplify productivity

Enterprise companies know that an account executive alone can’t provide the fast and customised custom...
Slack Technologies Limited
No perimeter?  No problem:  Elevating cyber defence in a hybrid world

Digital technology fuels incredible growth and innovation across multiple domains. And cybercrime is n...
Gilroy Corporate Communications Ltd
The Total Economic Impact™ Of Slack For Service Teams

Slack commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine t...
Slack Technologies Limited