Format: E-Book
Größe: 3,72 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 09.08.2023

Demystifying the Opportunities of Large Contact Center Migration to the Cloud

All contact centers will eventually have cloud components and while a cloud-first strategy may be sensible for new functionality, a cloud-only strategy is rarely viable for large contact centers. No organization wants to rearchitect its entire CX stack at the beginning of its cloud journey, and large contact centers typically have applications that do not fit a cloud model. Each organization needs to carefully study which workloads are feasible to lift and shift because it is impossible to generalize cloud migration.

Some areas are particularly sensitive from a reputational perspective, such as regarding fraud prevention in financial institutions, and stakeholders might challenge a move to the cloud for fear of the unknown. Additionally, sustainability is becoming a decisive question on decisionmakers’ minds. The panel agreed that the desire to conduct more sustainable operations could focus minds and accelerate the migration of some applications, including contact center software.

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