Format: Bericht
Größe: 2,07 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 26.09.2023

Financial CIOs: Navigating cloud complexity to increase Customer Lifetime Value

The value of a customer relationship over their lifetime with the institution, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), is becoming increasingly reliant on digital technologies. What was once based on loyalty to a company is no longer the driving force of customer behavior, and digital natives are quick to switch institutions to satisfy their needs — both financially and for convenience.

It’s a pivotal time for financial institutions. Faced with competition from digital-first banks, leading financial services are amping up their use of cloud-native and multicloud software architectures. And it’s not just a select few.

In fact, a survey of 300 banking and financial services CIOs worldwide provided some deep insights into the struggles that IT and operations teams face as they navigate their digital transformation journeys, and what they are confident will help them overcome these challenges.

Download this FREE report to learn the sentiments of Banking and Financial Services Industry CIOs such as:
• Delivering superior customer experiences by leveraging hybrid and multicloud environments
• The importance of contextual data management, beyond what traditional log management delivers
• Overcoming staff member fatigue with AIOps and automation

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Datum: 1.8.2018


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