Format: E-Book
Größe: 378 KB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 28.02.2024

7 myths about low-code debunked

We know that there are low-code skeptics out there. We’ve heard the whispers and rumors. It doesn’t seem to matter that IT professionals who use low-code told us in our latest State of Application Development survey that they are faster, more agile, and more innovative in delivering the applications their business stakeholders are clamoring for. The myths about low code still persist.

It doesn’t help that the term “low-code” applies to numerous solutions with a broad range of capabilities. For that reason, it’s crucial to understand the difference between standard low-code development and high-performance low-code. High-performance low-code enables you to build complex, strategic, mission-critical software for your business; the other categories do not. High-performance low-code has no limits in terms of providing end-to-end application development. There is no additional licensing, no scalability issues, and no data “do-overs” for updates as you move from department app to enterprise-wide software.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


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