Klient: Digital Realty
Format: E-Book
Größe: 7,93 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 24.06.2024

Why Hong Kong Data Center – Your Data-First Guide to APAC Expansion

Accelerate your growth in the city

Today's business landscape in Asia Pacific necessitates thinking beyond traditional operations and infrastructure. Succeeding in this complex environment means relying on data-driven insights for every decision—from engaging customers to developing new products and services. 
In our Data-First Guide to Expanding into Asia Pacific, we detail how you can grow your business in Hong Kong through: 
·       Careful planning for a data-first expansion to ensure a scalable data architecture that meets future needs.
·       Working with a well-established data center partner with a global footprint, an open platform, and rich, connected data communities to help you through the challenges.
·       Establishing a point of presence in a major global trade, finance, and data hub renowned as a gateway to China. 
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Datum: 1.8.2018


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  • Digital Realty
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