Klient: Digital Realty
Format: E-Book
Größe: 1,37 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 04.07.2024

Why Leading Companies are Using Hong Kong AI Ready Datacenter as Their Gateway to APAC Expansion AI ebook

Are You Data and AI Ready?

Digital transformation creates a $100 trillion opportunity for enterprises, but also leads to infrastructure challenges with data exchange and platform growth.¹

Solving the problem
Rapid data creation and escalating needs for storage and processing may lead to significant strain on legacy infrastructure across your organization. And as you look to implement AI and maximize its business value, solving these infrastructure challenges becomes crucial. This must be addressed with a data-first and AI-ready strategy.

In this AI eBook, IT leaders will learn how:
· Digital transformation has generated a data-powered economy, propelling an explosive growth of data.
· IT infrastructure needs to evolve to bring apps, services, and clouds closer to the data.
· To optimize data exchange to enable distributed workflows.
· Four strategic IT foundations enable digital transformation in today’s data economy.
· To solve for five key infrastructure design imperatives.

¹World Economic Forum, $100 Trillion by 2025: the Digital Dividend for Society and Business, January, 2016
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Datum: 1.8.2018


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  • Digital Realty
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