Klient: KnowBe4 UK Ltd
Format: Guide
Größe: 850 KB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 10.07.2024

Report: 2024 Phishing Benchmarking For The United Kingdom & Ireland

Over the past year, the threat landscape for the United Kingdom and Ireland have been largely driven by geopolitical issues and conflicts, and as a result, the ever increasing threat posed by nation states and global threat actors. In addition, ransomware persists as one of the most prevalent threats facing the United Kingdom and Ireland.
The result is cybersecurity leaders throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland are now placing increased emphasis on mitigating the threat posed by social engineering and phishing threats.
To assist the United Kingdom and Ireland with evaluating their Phish-prone Percentage and understanding general attitudes towards cybersecurity, KnowBe4 conducts an annual study to provide definitive benchmarking data across small, medium and large organisations by geographical region. This report provides an overview of key findings for the United Kingdom and Ireland relative to the rest of the globe.
Read this report to learn:
  • The most prevalent cyber issues facing the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • The Phish-prone Percentage of organisations within your industry throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • Three key takeaways to mitigate the threat of social engineering cyber attacks
Download this report today! 
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Datum: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • KnowBe4 UK Ltd
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