Klient: Nutanix US
Format: Bericht
Größe: 1,14 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 24.07.2024

Driving Business Success with a Modern and Efficient Hybrid Multicloud Infrastructure

Read the IDC InfoBrief, Driving Business Success with a Modern and Efficient Hybrid Multicloud Infrastructure, and get recommendations on what businesses need to do to not only succeed, but also to excel in our digital-first world.

The key to success is the ability to adapt to digital-first. For example, IT has moved into the spotlight as the importance of digital infrastructure has become the driver of efficiency and business success.

What are digital leaders thinking about? Well, security and compliance win out with 34%, with a close second in importance being improving agility and flexibility at 30%. And it turns out 63% of leaders at the most digitally advanced companies are building their next-gen hybrid multicloud infrastructure on a hyperconverged infrastructure.

Download the InfoBrief and find out what digital infrastructure success looks like for your business.
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Datum: 1.8.2018


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  • Nutanix US
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