Klient: F5, Inc.
Format: Guide
Größe: 1,12 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 07.10.2024

API Security Solution Evaluation Guide

This guide strips away the veneer of industry hype and takes a realistic look at what buyers of API security solutions should look for when performing a product evaluation. Dozens of product features are touted as the best, but do you know what matters most when protecting APIs? Should you select a product with the most bells and whistles, which few may apply, or begin with a security model and select an API security solution commensurate with your API risk profile? The answer begins with a solution that addresses your API risk profile. APIs are exposed to the same threats and vulnerabilities as other components of an attack surface, but the context is different. The starting point of a secure API journey begins with an API security model. Technology alone cannot solve the API security problem. However, the technology must integrate with the model. An API security model typically includes six core components.
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Datum: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • F5, Inc.
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