Klient: IONOS SE
Format: Datenblatt
Größe: 944 KB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 14.11.2024

Areté plans software-as-a-service launch on the IONOS Cloud

Hold a bottle of soda, and you’re holding the result of a logistics challenge that brought together ingredients, bottles, labels, and caps at scale. Areté develops supply chain software that helps companies, including bottling companies, forecast demand to ensure they have the right materials at the right time. Previously, Areté’s customers were responsible for hosting the software themselves, but many no longer wanted to manage physical servers. Recognizing this, Areté saw an opportunity to launch its software as a service, hosted on the IONOS Cloud. Cloud Cubes are now helping Areté fine-tune its server specifications ahead of the launch.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


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