Klient: HID
Format: eBook
Größe: 541 KB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 27.11.2024

Migration Guide: Migration Pathways and Priorities for Mercury Controllers and IO Modules

The pace of change in physical security continuously accelerates. Mercury has been a trusted name in security for over 30 years, helping customers navigate these shifts with our commitment to open architecture and cutting-edge solutions. 

As we introduce Mercury MP Intelligent Controllers, we recognize that our customers are at various stages in their technology lifecycle. Some may still rely on legacy, outdated equipment, while others have adopted more recent offerings. 

Much has changed since the release of our Mercury EP Controllers in 2007 and SCP Controllers in 1995. Customers operating these legacy controllers in combination with Series 2 (S2) and Series 1 (S1) IO modules expose themselves to potential security risk and supportability issues the longer they wait to upgrade. 

On the other hand, those using the more recently released Mercury LP Controllers and Series 3 (S3/ S3B) can modernize security capabilities and get updates to features and security through firmware updates. 

This guide highlights the relative urgency and critical considerations for these and other typical scenarios. 

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Datum: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • HID
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