Klient: SAP USA
Format: Whitepaper
Größe: 1,46 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 06.12.2024

Mastering Plastic Taxes and EPR Regulations

Start to navigate the complexities of plastic taxes and Extended Producer Responsibility EPR regulations while driving your business towards a sustainable future. Our latest guide "4 Key Strategies to Manage Plastic Taxes and Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations" offers the key strategies and insights you need to succeed.

Why You Need This Guide

As plastic pollution continues to threaten our planet, businesses face increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. This guide is designed to help you tackle these challenges and turn them into opportunities for innovation and growth.
Key Insights

1. Establish a Robust Data Infrastructure: Simplify compliance with a solid foundation in data tracking and reporting.

2. Promote a Circular Supply Chain: Transition from a linear to a circular model, focusing on recycling, remanufacturing, and sustainable design.

3. Collaboration for Compliance and Circularity: Leverage both internal and external collaborations to drive systemic change and meet regulatory requirements.

4. Prepare for the Future of a Truly Circular Economy: Position your business for long-term success by aligning with circular economy principles.

Gain invaluable insights and practical strategies to stay ahead in the sustainability game. Download the full guide now and start transforming your business practices today.
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Datum: 1.8.2018


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