Format: Bericht
Größe: 2,03 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 26.02.2025

AI in software development: Exploring opportunities and uncertainties

Software development has seen a massive surge in the adoption of AI over the last five years, and 93% of executives said they planned to increase their investment in AI-powered tools over the next two. Clearly, AI is a force to be reckoned with, and it’s setting new standards for the industry.

As AI, particularly GenAI, continues to shake up the world of software development, organizations can’t afford complacency. But neither can they let the fear of missing out be the primary catalyst for adoption. Significant risks remain, and they’ll only continue to evolve. To realize the opportunities that come with integrating AI into the entire software development life cycle (SDLC), executives must combine strategic vision and agile execution.

So, how are organizations rising to these imperatives? To gain a clear understanding of AI's transformative role in software development, OutSystems and KPMG partnered with CIO Dive’s StudioID to survey 555 software executives on their current use of AI, how they plan to use it in the future, and the challenges they face.

What they learned provides insights and recommendations for how to incorporate AI in software development that identify and address the risks head-on and reveal new opportunities for innovation. The key findings from this report will enhance decision-making for driving your AI projects today and in the future.
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Datum: 1.8.2018


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