Format: E-Book
Größe: 3,38 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 26.02.2025

Mission-Critical Software, delivered: Harnessing the Synergy of Low Code and GenAI

The push for faster application development to match the pace of digitalization has changed the face of software development. The synergy between low-code platforms and AI has created a powerful combination. 

While low-code platforms can streamline software development by enabling faster application creation with minimal coding, AI-powered low-code platforms take a step further by automating complex processes and providing intelligent insights to enhance efficiency and innovation. Together, AI and low code bring automation capabilities and user-friendly interfaces to support the creation of new applications as well as the modernization of legacy environments, enabling organizations to meet the evolving demand for rapid application development while ensuring application performance in high-stakes environments.

IDC research shows that over 60% of Asia/Pacific applications are legacy, creating challenges like rigid systems, maintenance burdens, skill gaps, and technical debt accumulation. Modernizing these systems is crucial, albeit often challenging due to low developer productivity and outdated architectures, which make them inflexible and difficult to modify. To enable more rapid software development, organizations are adopting modernization approaches such as integration with modern tools like low code, replatforming, and refactoring. AI-powered low-code platforms empower organizations to reap transformative benefits in terms of increased operational efficiency, improved productivity, and accelerated developer velocity for both software development and legacy modernization.

This InfoBrief explores this synergy with a focus on GenAI. Learn how organizations can beneficially leverage low-code platforms with native AI features. This InfoBrief demonstrates how AI-powered low-code solutions with native AI capabilities can empower organizations to drive greater productivity, agility, and security, streamline modernization, and accelerate application development life cycles more efficiently. 
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Datum: 1.8.2018


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