Klient: VMware UK Limited
Format: E-Book
Größe: 6,56 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 07.09.2021

VMware Multi-Cloud Architecture – Enabling Choice and Flexibility

In today's world, application growth is unprecedented and enterprise applications run from a wide range of cloud endpoints - some public, some private, some via SaaS delivery, some managed by you, some managed by others. Currently, every industry trend report identifies multi-cloud as a key strategy for most large organizations. However, this operating model brings with it a wide range of new challenges that must be addressed by IT leaders if this application delivery model is going to prove sustainable.

So why are businesses adopting this strategy, and seeing as 87% of enterprise respondents reported having a type of hybrid cloud strategy, why does hybrid cloud represent the most desired end state for so many organizations?
In this eBook, you will learn:

• Why organizations are increasingly using multiple private and public clouds in combination to deploy their applications

• How adopting a hybrid cloud model can help you simplify multi-cloud complexity

• How to navigate and understand the options available in the world of hybrid cloud to help you find the correct fit for your business and strategic technical goal

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  • VMware UK Limited
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