Klient: Treasure Data
Format: Whitepaper
Größe: 433 KB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 15.02.2022

Treasure Data CDP at Subaru

It’s easy for buyers to love a new car—there’s that smell, the shine, the sounds, the power and perfection. But further down the road, when the newness wears off and the payments kick in, will they still love the ride? A whole lot of Subaru owners would say yes. Just ask drivers in New England, for example, where the brand enjoys an almost cult-like following and an abundance of multigenerational family owners.1 And the enthusiasm extends well beyond the Northeast. Industry studies consistently place Subaru among the leaders in customer loyalty. A recent J.D. Powers brand-loyalty study ranks Subaru the highest among mainstream auto brands.

Subaru’s CEO says such affinity comes from trust based on drivability, safety, and high quality that includes vehicle durability. An astonishing 97% of Subaru vehicles sold in the last 10 years are still on the road today. But there’s a lot more to the story. Subaru wants you to love owning and driving your car, from your first interaction with Subaru through a years- or even decades-long relationship.

Saito Kazutaka, general manager of Digital Innovation at Subaru, says that data management is key to delivering that experience. “We first implemented the Treasure Data enterprise Customer Data Platform (CDP) to unify customer data for operational improvement and web optimization. Since we began using Treasure Data in 2016, we’ve unified more than about 200 data points and 80 billion data records. We currently collect more than 8 million new transactions daily, across the entire customer journey.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Treasure Data
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