Klient: VMware UK Limited
Format: E-Book
Größe: 1,34 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 28.02.2022

Map Your Technical Future with the Operating Model for Multi-Cloud & Data Center Modernization

Business and commercial decisions drive the consumption of different clouds. Although many enterprises have announced a cloud-first approach and set application migration targets, not all communicate the “why” in business terms, or the “how” and “what” in IT service capability terms.

This eBook focuses on the importance of Cloud Strategy using a point of view for Cloud Architects, being a must-have list for developing an effective cloud strategy. We review the popular “cloud operating model” which provides a holistic but tactical plan for the "Who", "When" and "How" of ongoing management and governance of cloud service delivery. Readers will discover how the cloud operating model is your blueprint for delivering cloud services, and which key elements to include.

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  • VMware UK Limited
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