Klient: Dell
Format: Whitepaper
Größe: 3,75 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 10.02.2023

What Businesses with AI in Production Can Teach Those Lagging Behind

Businesses are in different stages with their artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Even today, after many years of evaluating AI, only one third of organizations have actually put AI into production (31%). Organizations that started somewhat later are currently prototyping their AI solutions (20%). Companies that only recently came on board with AI are experimenting with AI technologies for their business cases (25%). And a relatively large portion (24%) have only just begun evaluating AI for their business cases.

The purpose of this paper is to compare what those in production with AI do differently compared with those still evaluating, so as to support the latter with these best practices as they move forward on their AI journey. It will also very briefly discuss a few Dell solutions that can support organizations’ AI initiatives.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Dell
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