Livre blanc
Migration Cloud simple et transparente

Les applications sont au cœur de chaque entreprise moderne. Alors que la transformation digitale devie...
VMware UK Limited
Seamless and Simple Migration to the Cloud

Applications are the heart of every modern organization. As digital transformation becomes increasingl...
VMware UK Limited
Migration vers le Cloud public : trois témoignages de clients

Le Cloud public est attrayant pour les entreprises car il leur promet agilité, réduction des coûts et ...
VMware UK Limited
Le guide complet de l’économie du Cloud

Les entreprises migrent vers le Cloud pour tirer parti des économies d’échelle, d’une portée mondiale,...
VMware UK Limited
Top 5 Challenges of Managing Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in the Multi-Cloud Era

In today’s modern work environment, desktop virtualization has skyrocketed to the top of the list of I...
VMware UK Limited
Addressing Top Five Challenges of Deploying a Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Solution

Even a minor outage can put organizations at a competitive disadvantage, especially in today’s markets...
VMware UK Limited
VMware Cloud Workload Migration Tools

Before starting a cloud migration project, it is critical to understand the strategies and tools avail...
VMware UK Limited
What IT Leaders Need to Know When Buying for a Technology Refresh – Data Center Hybrid, Private Cloud Edition

This document will help you identify use cases that fit your organization’s plans as you consider a hy...
VMware UK Limited
Migrating to the Public Cloud: Three Success Stories

Organizations find the public cloud appealing for its promises of agility, reduced costs and developer...
VMware UK Limited