Livre blanc
Enterprise Data Protection: A Four-Step Plan

What goes into an enterprise-wide data protection (DP) plan? More than you think. There are many facto...
Veritas Technologies
Unified Enterprise Data Protection

Data protection is a complicated problem. At first blush, you need to provide a team that will get you...
Veritas Technologies
Déplacement Protectuon est un Enjeu Pour Relevex

Les pannes système et les pertes de donées peuvent avoir des conséquences terribles sur l'enterprise. ...
Veritas Technologies
How to seamlessly embed Information Governance to control your content and processes and reduce compliance risk

With increasing regulations across the globe aimed at protecting personal data and ensuring informatio...
Alfresco Software Limited
Innovating In The Exponential Economy

Digitisation continues to drive radical economic and behavioural changes and transform strategies and ...
VMware UK Limited
Seize Control of your Application Health and Security with F5

The digital experience is now the arbiter of customer loyalty and value. Knowing this, application dev...
NetOps Meets DevOps - The State of Network Automation

Modern agile development practices, microservices, containers and cloud infrastructure have combined t...
F5 Networks
Engineer's Guide to 5G Semiconductor Test

Wideband 5G IC test is complex. <i>The Engineer’s Guide to 5G Semiconductor Test</i> is here to help. ...
National Instruments Corporation (U.K.) Ltd
Managed Service Providers can solve the Top Five Challenges with Network Transformation

ZK Research defines digital transformation as the application of technology to create new business ser...
Tata Communications (UK) Ltd