Livre blanc
2020 VMware Carbon Black Cybersecurity Outlook Report

Understanding cybersecurity comes down to understanding attacker behaviours. In this 2020 Cybersecurit...
VMware UK Limited
Forbes Insights - 2,000 Days: A Roadmap for the CIO in 2025

The CIO's world is changing fast. In five years, chief information officers (CIOs) will have new respo...
VMware UK Limited
Cloud hybride: la nouvelle architecture des entreprises actuelles

L’entreprise moderne est inextricablement liée à la technologie qui lui sert de base. Même si la trans...
VMware UK Limited
Hybrid Cloud: The New Architecture for Today’s Business

Modern business is inextricably linked to the technology that powers it. While business transformation...
VMware UK Limited
Le Cloud est un modèle opérationnel, pas une fin en soi - Transformer les opérations de Cloud hybride de manière à soutenir la transformation digitale

Le Cloud n’est pas simplement une fin en soi pour la migration des charges de travail, qui résout auss...
VMware UK Limited
Cloud is an Operating Model, Not a Destination - How to transform hybrid cloud operations to support digital transformation

The cloud is not simply a destination for workload migration that also somehow solves IT operational p...
VMware UK Limited
Comment les besoins applicatifs influent sur vos décisions liées à l’infrastructure en six points

Les applications concernent pratiquement tous les aspects de l’entreprise moderne. Et il est de plus e...
VMware UK Limited
Six Ways Application Requirements Drive Your Infrastructure Decisions

Applications touch nearly every aspect of the modern company. And the dependency on using applications...
VMware UK Limited
9 reasons to trust Red Hat OpenShift and Microsoft Azure

Containers and cloud technologies play a key role in helping organizations capitalize on the opportuni...
Red Hat GmbH