Client: Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Format: Solution Brief
Size: 732 KB
Language: English
Date: 21.10.2024
Understanding hybrid cloud, data management and AI: What is the potential impact on the financial services industry?
The Financial Services Industry (FSI) has distinctive and unique needs, challenges and objectives, it’s vital that technology matches the pace of rapid development within the industry. This requires tailored solutions, services and expert advice to accelerate progress. Managing data effectively, harnessing the potential of AI and developing a successful hybrid cloud architecture are beneficial steps to take. However, it can be a tricky path to navigate.
If your data is patchy, incomprehensible or non-existent, it’s likely that those ideas will never come to fruition. Collecting reliable, understandable and useable information is essential, which is why you’ll find some hedge funds now employing data scientists with the sole responsibility of cleaning data so that better decisions can be made about investments. Data is the foundation of any business decision, and has a great value; our CEO, Antonio Neri, even stated recently that it may well appear on companies’ balance sheets as an asset one day.
Learn how our HPE experts can identify duplicated systems, applications and the machines they run on to streamline working practices and ensure that good quality data, and the management of it, is achieved and is maintainable. At HPE, we are focused on delivering exactly what is needed, providing a bespoke service to ensure the best result. Learn how HPE can assist you to develop solutions at the right time and in the right place, to enhance your IT strategy and support your goals.