Klient: Ultimo Software Solutions Ltd
Format: Bericht
Größe: 19,9 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 06.05.2021

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) - Trend Report 2020

Ultimo is the #1 Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Cloud platform in Northwest Europe. We develop software to support your customers in managing all types of assets such as: manufacturing equipment, fleet vehicles, buildings, medical equipment, IT assets and more. We have one goal in mind: to provide customers with the most essential data, so that they can make the right decisions. This way, we enable customers to reduce costs, optimise tool time, maximise asset availability and ensure health and safety.

The Ultimo platform is scalable, flexible and offers seamless connections to an array of enterprise software tools. Ultimo supports more than 2000 companies with the optimisation of their assets in the following vertical sectors: Manufacturing, Logistics, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Utilities. Ultimo is now searching for new implementation partners and resellers that want to profit from the growing EAM market and boost their services and software revenue.

Ultimo’s Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Trend Report is a comprehensive publication in which we investigated how the asset/maintenance manager of the future will remain successful in a world filled with change and automation. The EAM Trend Report is all about the most important developments in the field of EAM, especially focused on five central themes: uptime, cost control, lifespan of assets, safety, and knowledge & technology.

Download the EAM Trend Report and find out how EAM software can help your business!

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Datum: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Ultimo Software Solutions Ltd
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