Klient: VMware UK Limited
Format: E-Book
Größe: 2,94 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 16.06.2021

Bridging the Developer and Operations Divide ebook

Software drives your business. But most employees and customers don’t realize that a team of dedicated product managers, designers, developers, and IT operations staff are constantly working to improve customer and employee-facing applications in ways that make a significant difference in how your business runs, how it produces goods and services, and how its revenues grow—even in difficult times.

As your organization looks to speed service delivery, create new business models (and fix underperforming ones), process becomes paramount. Companies investing in DevOps have an advantage. As a set of technical, architectural, and cultural practices intended to improve interactions between development and IT operations, the goal of DevOps is to shorten the systems development lifecycle and provide continuous, quality delivery of software to the business. Successfully implementing a DevOps organization and culture is a critical component in your organization’s transformation to digital business.

This executive brief explores how DevOps impacts customer experience, how IT and business must come together for a true DevOps culture to grow, and how to start and scale your own DevOps efforts while overcoming common obstacles.

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  • VMware UK Limited
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