Klient: VMware
Format: E-Book
Größe: 1,45 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 24.11.2022

Embrace Smart Retail: How to maximize retail success and rise to new possibilities.

No industry has experienced a digital evolution as dramatic as retail. The rise of online commerce - accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic - and the need for greater competitive advantage has collided with an increase in customer expectation, putting pressure on retailers to embrace digital, “smart” experiences.

Whether it’s through automation, shifting to smart cloud platforms, providing greater opportunities for mobility, or increasing in-store interactions with technology, smart retail enables businesses to dream a richer digital dream. And by delighting shoppers in innovative new ways, retailers can not only build a larger and more loyal customer base, they can also maximize their revenue and their reputation.

Download the eBook, “Smart Retail” today to see how VMware and Intel can equip you for the future of retail.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


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  • VMware
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