Livre blanc
AI and Machine Learning on AWS : Confessions of a Data Scientist

If the 21st century has taught us anything, it’s that data is our most valuable resource. Using insigh...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
Démarrez avec le machine learning

Grâce à l’essor du cloud computing, à l'augmentation de la puissance de calcul et des volumes de donné...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
Get started with Machine learning

Machine learning (ML) is more accessible than ever—thanks to the growth of cloud computing, the rise o...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
7 principaux cas d'utilisation du ML pour les start-up

Avec l'ensemble de services de machine learning (ML) le plus vaste et le plus complet actuellement dis...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
Top 7 ML use cases for startups

With the broadest and deepest set of machine learning (ML) services available today, Amazon Web Servic...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
La voie de la réussite du ML pour les start-up

Le moment n'a jamais été aussi propice pour intégrer le machine learning (ML) dans les opérations méti...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
A path to ML success for startups

There’s never been a better time to incorporate machine learning (ML) into your startup’s business ope...
Amazon Web Services Ltd
The new age of mobility powered by you

Keep the economy moving and connected, no matter what. Auto manufacturers are the engines of everyd...
VMware UK Limited
The new age of mobility powered by you: Accelerate innovation, drive growth and become more sustainable through digitization across the value chain

As an automotive manufacturer, you are the engine of everyday life – making a vital contribution to so...
VMware UK Limited