Livre blanc
Zero Trust Network Access: Barracuda's ultimate guide

The cybercrime threat landscape is more saturated than ever, with attacks growing in sophistication a...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Sauvegarde Office 365 : état des lieux

On assiste à une véritable explosion des données Microsoft Office 365 et leur protection revêt un cara...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
The state of Office 365 backup

There’s an explosion of Microsoft Office 365 data and a pressing need to protect it. Office 365 is ...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Spear Phishing : Menaces et tendances principales

Les cybercriminels affinent constamment leurs tactiques pour rendre leurs attaques plus compliquées et...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Spear Phishing: Top Threats and Trends

Cybercriminals are constantly refining their tactics and making their attacks more complicated and dif...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Ne payez pas la rançon

Pour dire les choses simplement, un ransomware est un logiciel malveillant qui chiffre vos données ou ...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Don’t pay the ransom

In simple terms, ransomware is malicious software that either encrypts your data or otherwise stops yo...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Le nouvel ABC de la sécurité des applications

En permettant aux entreprises numériques de communiquer avec leurs utilisateurs et leurs clients, les ...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
The new ABCs of application security

Applications are the building blocks of how digital businesses work and how they engage with their end...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK