Livre blanc
Que faire lorsque l’on est victime d’une attaque par ransomware

Plus de 187 millions d’attaques par ransomware ont eu lieu en 2019. Cela représente plus de 500 000 of...
Fortinet UK Limited
Talking Up Self-Serve Kiosks in Healthcare Patient Check-In

More and more, self-service kiosks are integrating sensory capabilities that make them more “service” ...
Intel Corporation UK
Building Ransomware Resilience

Ransomware has become a popular weapon in the hands of malicious actors who try to harm governments, b...
Fortinet UK Limited
The potential of payroll: Global payroll survey 2022

With greater business ambitions come greater expectations – there’s no such thing as ‘business as usua...
ADP Employer Services LTD
Rugged Workflows

Your work takes you to some of the world’s most extreme conditions, and you pushed us to create the wo...
Disaster Recovery as a Service Buyer's Guide 

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) seamlessly delivered on top of a global public cloud is a cost-...
VMware UK Limited
Protéger votre entreprise  contre les rançongiciels

Votre entreprise est-elle vraiment résiliente ? Ces deux dernières années, 76 % des entreprises ont co...
VMware UK Limited
Saving Your Organization From Ransomware - Why You Need DRaaS

How resilient is your organization? As many as 76 percent of organizations have experienced an event i...
VMware UK Limited
How 3 Leading Companies Found Peace of Mind with Disaster Recovery

Many traditional DR solutions are unreliable, complex and expensive, requiring significant and time-co...
VMware UK Limited