Livre blanc
Protégez et préservez vos données sur site et dans le Cloud

Alors que les entreprises implémentent leurs stratégies de stockage et de protection des données, cert...
Dell Technologies modernise continuellement le stockage

Le rôle de l'IT dans l'entreprise a changé. Les départements IT étaient jusque là considérés comme des...
Dell Corporation Limited
Dell Technologies Continuously Modern Storage

The role of IT in enterprises has changed. IT organisations were once seen as cost centres, but are no...
Dell Corporation Limited
Dell PowerStore

This report documents ESG’s validation of Dell PowerStoreOS v2.1 with a focus on software-only updates...
Dell Corporation Limited
Securing Business in a World of Transformation

Digital transformation, driven by the need to rapidly respond to market, customer and operational need...
Meet the future of work with confidence

If asked to select a word to describe the experience of the past two years, a large proportion of busi...
Dell Corporation Limited
Façonner l’avenir du travail hybride

La pandémie de coronavirus qui sévit depuis 2020 a révolutionné notre façon de travailler et nos lieux...
Dell Corporation Limited
Building for success with off-premises private cloud: Leveraging colocation facilities to execute your cloud strategy

To establish a competitive advantage, organizations further their digital transformation by embracing ...
Dell Corporation Limited
The Business Value of Dell Technologies APEX as-a-Service Solutions

IDC’s research demonstrates that enterprise organizations are prioritizing digital infrastructure resi...
Dell Corporation Limited