Harness the power of analytics and AI to predict what’s next

88% of global C-level executives and IT decision makers believe companies incorporate AI because it’s ...
Avanade Deutschland GmbH
TASC Relies on CA Automation to Orchestrate Application Releases in the Cloud

TASC (Total Administrative Services Corporation) is the largest independent provider of third-party em...
CA Technologies
Practical DevOps Using ARA

Applications and services are made up of more components and integrations today than they were just a ...
CA Technologies
Blueprint to Continuous Delivery with Automic Release Automation

Automic proposes a four-stage blueprint to Continuous Delivery to assist enterprises at any stage of t...
CA Technologies
The Future of Enterprise DevOps: What You Need to Know

This eBook contains five articles that explain how DevOps was formed and propose what the future holds...
CA Technologies
Targeting: Don't miss a single opportunity

Only 2 % of all first-time website visits lead directly to a sale. All other visitors browse the site ...
B2B Media Group GmbH
Relay™ communications hub data security

The Relay™ communications hub lets you modify and improve your print communications as well as getting...
Pitney Bowes Limited
Mailstream On Demand™ A smarter way to deliver mail.

With Mailstream On Demand we can deliver your mail and let you get back to the things you do best. Let...
Pitney Bowes Limited
Getting it right is no longer good enough. You need to prove it.

In an age of increased customer privacy concerns and compliance regulations, file-based processing tec...
Pitney Bowes Limited