Бяла книга
Buyer’s Guide for Complete Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Today, privileges are built into operating systems, file systems, applications, databases, hypervisors...
GPT case study: Sustainability at scale, accelerated by data

Wie kann Ihr Unternehmen Abläufe und Kosten optimieren und gleichzeitig Abfall und Emissionen reduzier...
A guide to ESG reporting frameworks

In dieser Publikation möchten wir Ihnen einen Leitfaden an die Hand geben, der Sie bei Ihrem Ansatz f...
Green Quadrant: Enterprise Carbon Management Software 2022

Seit einigen Jahren ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit wieder verstärkt auf der Unternehmensagenda präsent u...
How artificial intelligence (AI)  will scale up in the cloud

Any AI strategy involves thinking globally about data. The company needs to think about the data sourc...
Mitigating Advanced  Threats with NDR

Protecting the network is an ongoing challenge for many cybersecurity professionals. With LogRhythm ND...
GPT case study: Sustainability at scale, accelerated by data

How can your business optimize operations and cost whilst reducing waste and emissions? When one organ...
A guide to ESG reporting frameworks

In this publication, we set out to provide you with guidelines to assist with your approach to ESG rep...
Green Quadrant: Enterprise Carbon Management Software 2022

Since the turn of last decade, sustainability crept back up the corporate agenda, and in the past two ...