Consistent Hybrid and  Multi-Cloud Network Security  to Power Digital Acceleration

Digital acceleration (DA) is powering organizations of various sizes and in diverse sectors to deliver...
Fortinet UK Limited
Fortinet Secure Application  Journey Solutions

Organizations have embraced the reality that to achieve their digital acceleration goals of today and ...
Fortinet UK Limited
The risk of ransomware  to Microsoft 365 data: a case for backups

Ransomware attacks have consistently hit the headlines in recent years, causing serious reputational a...
Barracuda Networks Ltd UK
Étude de cas : Soutenir la recherche en sciences de la terre et des planètes qui change le monde (document en langue anglaise)

Comment l'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris utilise les serveurs Lenovo ThinkSystem, alimentés pa...
Lenovo Technology United Kingdom Limited
Case Study: Supporting world-changing earth and planetary science research

How the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris uses Lenovo ThinkSystem servers, powered by AMD EPYC™ p...
Lenovo Technology United Kingdom Limited
Étude de cas : Accélérer l'analyse des données satellitaires pour soutenir les systèmes d'alerte aux inondations et sauver des vies (document en langue anglaise)
Lenovo Technology United Kingdom Limited
Case Study: Accelerating analysis of satellite data to support flood warning systems and save lives

How EODC Earth Observation Data Centre used Lenovo ThinkSystem SR635 servers, powered by AMD EPYC™ pro...
Lenovo Technology United Kingdom Limited
Étude de cas : Construire une base informatique performante et prête pour l'avenir en vue d'une croissance internationale (document en langue anglaise)

Comment HUF HAUS a modernisé son centre de données avec des serveurs Lenovo ThinkSystem, alimentés par...
Lenovo Technology United Kingdom Limited
Case Study: Building a high-performance, future-ready IT foundation for international growth

How HUF HAUS modernized its data center with Lenovo ThinkSystem servers, powered by AMD EPYC™ processo...
Lenovo Technology United Kingdom Limited