The Robots Are Here: How AI and ML Automation Solutions Can Solve Business Problems

In 2018 we published a paper called The Robots are Coming. Over just a few years, they’ve not only arr...
SAP Concur Sveavägen
7 Steps to Build a More Resilient and Adaptable Enterprise

In today’s business environment, change can happen fast. From new competitors that seem to appear over...
SAP Concur Sveavägen
How do recruits view you? - Hiring the best candidates by giving them the best hiring experience

When the global outlook is uncertain, you need to be positive you have the right people in the right r...
SAP Concur Sveavägen
Make Things Easier for Employees, and Things Get Better for You

What’s good for employees is good for the organisation. Automating travel, expense, and invoice proces...
SAP Concur Sveavägen
Application Modernization Today: 6 Reasons To Choose A Consistent Infrastructure Platform

From new cloud-native apps to modernized versions of legacy apps, application modernization almost alw...
VMware UK Limited
Hybrid Cloud Executive Buyer’s Guide

Adopting a hybrid cloud strategy is a powerful way to modernize your IT environment and achieve your o...
VMware UK Limited
IDC: El valor empresarial de ejecutar aplicaciones en VMware Cloud on AWS y entornos de nube híbridos de VMware

IDC preguntó a organizaciones por el impacto de la ejecución de aplicaciones en VMware Cloud on AWS en...
VMware UK Limited
Cómo obtener una infraestructura preparada para el futuro para la nube híbrida y las aplicaciones modernas

Las organizaciones que buscan ser más ágiles, dinámicas y hábiles a la hora de aprovechar nuevas oport...
VMware UK Limited
Migración a la nube sencilla y sin problemas

Las aplicaciones son la base de toda organización moderna. Debido a la transformación digital, la natu...
VMware UK Limited