Hybrid cloud: la nuova architettura per l'azienda moderna

L'azienda moderna è legata indissolubilmente alla tecnologia su cui si basa l'intero business. Trasfor...
VMware UK Limited
Hybrid Cloud: The New Architecture for Today’s Business

Modern business is inextricably linked to the technology that powers it. While business transformation...
VMware UK Limited
Il cloud è un modello operativo, non una destinazione - Come trasformare le operation dell'hybrid cloud e supportare la digital transformation

Il cloud non è semplicemente una destinazione per la migrazione dei carichi di lavoro che, in qualche ...
VMware UK Limited
Cloud is an Operating Model, Not a Destination - How to transform hybrid cloud operations to support digital transformation

The cloud is not simply a destination for workload migration that also somehow solves IT operational p...
VMware UK Limited
Sei modi in cui i requisiti delle applicazioni determinano le decisioni relative all'infrastruttura

Le applicazioni si estendono a tutti gli aspetti dell'azienda moderna e la dipendenza dal loro uso per...
VMware UK Limited
Six Ways Application Requirements Drive Your Infrastructure Decisions

Applications touch nearly every aspect of the modern company. And the dependency on using applications...
VMware UK Limited
9 reasons to trust Red Hat OpenShift and Microsoft Azure

Containers and cloud technologies play a key role in helping organizations capitalize on the opportuni...
Red Hat GmbH
Simplify Container Adoption with Red Hat and Microsoft

Red Hat and Microsoft offer a managed, cloud-based container environment that lets you adopt an enterp...
Red Hat GmbH
8 reasons to adopt Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Containers and cloud technologies help organizations capitalize on digital opportunities. An enterpris...
Red Hat GmbH