Documento técnico
Gerenciamento multi-cloud: Assuma o controle da transformação da nuvem

Nos últimos anos, dois pontos-chave se destacaram: o futuro é cada vez mais incerto e a agilidade é a ...
VMware International Unlimited Company
O guia corporativo do ambiente multi-cloud

Organizações de todos os setores e tamanhos estão intensificando a adoção da nuvem para atender às dem...
VMware International Unlimited Company
Modelo operacional de nuvem para leigos

Não há como negar que vivemos na era da nuvem. Agora, as organizações oferecem serviços de computação ...
VMware International Unlimited Company
Talent & technologie aanpakken in een tijdperk van ongekende disruptie

Ruim 2 Miljoen zakelijke dienstverlening organisaties in Europa zijn gedwongen, na een periode van eno...
Unit 4 Business Software
The 2022 Professional Services Maturity Benchmark is here.

The 2022 Professional Services Maturity Benchmark is here. Read it to learn how your peers fared in...
Unit 4 Business Software
How to secure digital transformation

As an organisation, your ability to move fast and adapt to changing circumstances is key to success. T...
Simplifying the data dilemma

Information is the lifeblood of most businesses today. That’s why data, analytics and artificial intel...
Rackspace APAC
The future of infrastructure will be containerized

While most tech companies and startups today run in the cloud, many have yet to realize all the benefi...
Google Germany GmbH
Starting up smart: Must-have advice from founders to the next generation

Ever wondered what it’s like to launch a new business? Then you’ve come to the right place. Starting u...
Google Germany GmbH