Extend  procurement's  business  influence

In many organisations, procurement is commonly shrouded in an element of mystery. From a procurement l...
New HR  models for  a new world

While many organizations have transferred their HR systems to a tier-one digitally-enabled transaction...
Today’s CFO.  Tomorrow’s Chief  Performance Officer

For some time now, the finance department’s role has been evolving towards strategic performance and d...
Ready for a new  angle on customer  experience?

As the convergence of the front office accelerates, organisations should evaluate how they orchestrate...
Protect, Detect & Recover: The Three Prongs of a Ransomware Defense Strategy for Your Enterprise Files

Increasingly, organizations realize that their ransomware strategy should impact their choice of stora...
10 Point Checklist for a Modern File Data Platform

The traditional file storage silo is dead, and the era of the file data cloud has begun. Although this...
Data Migration With Nasuni

Part of any organization’s journey to the cloud includes migrating data. Nasuni’s Data Migration Servi...
Nasuni Multi-Site Collaboration

Powered by intelligent data propagation and global file locking to avoid version conflict, the Nasuni’...
DEMO: Microsoft Teams Backup

Although Teams data has its own basic retention, Microsoft doesn’t fully protect against accidental de...