Achieving Sustainable Continuity for the Office of Finance - Developing a Joint Finance/IT Long-Term Plan

Aligning Finance and IT on the path to transformation. Remote work is the new normal. As organisati...
The Role of Finance in Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting

Build good governance into your business model. Consumers – and investors – want to support compani...
A More Effective CIO-CFO Partnership: Reinventing Finance Transformation

How more than 600 CIOs are taking on change. Successful CIOs are taking a new approach to tackle the ...
Workday Enterprise Frameworks Guide

Empower users at your organisation and increase agility. By automating routine tasks for HR, finance,...
Guide to Getting Started with DEIB Analytics

DEIB analytics takes centre stage. Organisations are faced with the opportunity to make significant c...
An Overlooked Strategy to Drive HR Effectiveness During the Toughest Times

Empower your workforce to respond to a changing world. A skilled, engaged workforce can help your org...
Workday Enteprise Frameworks – Leitfaden

Unterstützen Sie alle Anwender in Ihrem Unternehmen und steigern Sie die Agilität Durch die Automatis...
Advanced Threat Prevention with VMware NSX Distributed Firewall

Security professionals understand that hackers hide lateral movement inside large volumes of east-west...
VMware UK Limited
Exposing Malware in Linux-Based Multi-Cloud Environments

90% of cloud runs on Linux. So, is it any wonder that malware is propagating in multi-cloud environmen...
VMware UK Limited