Relevance is everything - Location insights deepen customer engagement

We are in the midst of a fascinating and constantly changing time in the advertising and marketing wor...
Here Global BV
New Forrester: Put Fulfillment At The Heart Of The Customer Experience

When shopping today, increasingly digitally savvy, time-crunched consumers expect to be able to choose...
IBM Sterling
Making the case for a workstation-centered workflow - the heart of an efficient engineering workflow is a professional workstation

Design and engineering workflows have evolved to meet the demands of larger and more complex models th...
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Multicloud Strategies for Your Enterprise

Multicloud deployments are now the norm for enterprise organizations, with a mix of public cloud solut...
Assembling Your Cloud Orchestra: A field guide to multicloud management

Operating in a multicloud environment is a reality for most enterprise functions today, though too oft...
Rethinking Your Infrastructure for Enterprise AI

IDC strongly believes that the days of homogeneous compute, in which a single architecture dominates a...
Shifting toward Enterprise-grade AI

Clients can realize the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics with IBM’s deep i...
Data Housekeeping Checklist

Welcome to the era of artificial intelligence (AI), where the way you do business is reliant on data-i...
AI done right: With a strong foundation, everyone can map a successful journey - including you

IBM Data-Train-Inference AI model positions your enterprise for long-term success. What if you disc...