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IDC: Optimizing Performance with Frequent Server Replacements for Enterprises

Servers are the backbone of modern IT infrastructure. They support the computing needs of the entire a...
IDC: Deploying Flexible Data Protection to Support Cloud Workload Placement

Digital Transformation (DX) projects are designed to help companies better use data to gain competitiv...
Accelerating Business Transformation with Server Infrastructure Optimized for DevOps

Business and IT leaders realize that modern technology infrastructure is the foundation for their busi...
IDC: Optimizing Storage Infrastructure for DevOps Practices

IT departments in all industries perform many tasks, such as developing, deploying, and maintaining th...
How Intrinsic Security Protects Against Business Disruption

When it comes to IT, disruption is just another day at the office. From fending off cyberattacks to in...
Delivering On Demand: Momentum Builds  Toward Flexible IT

Computing models based on flexible IT, which include Cloud Computing and the integration of on-demand ...
ESG: Flexible IT Models Drive Efficiency and Innovation eBook

ESG conducted an online survey of a wide range of characteristics relating to the IT environment in it...
Hybrid Workforce

The pace of digital transformation has never been faster, and nowhere is feeling the impact of that sh...
Shaping the future  of hybrid work

The coronavirus pandemic that has been raging since 2020 has revolutionized the way we work and our wo...