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IDG Playbook: A Strategic Playbook for Data, Analytics, and Machine Learning

Data has become an essential element of many business models. Today, all organizations must use data, ...
Find relevant information faster

Tackle organizational inefficiencies by innovating beyond traditional search tools that can hinder pro...
Easily extract document data

Machine learning-powered document processing changes the equation for data extraction and helps organi...
Seven Reasons Your Enterprise Needs Intelligent Search

Tackle organizational inefficiencies by innovating beyond traditional search tools that can hinder pro...
Transform with AWS ML

Thanks to the rapid adoption of cloud computing, the rise of compute power and data volumes, and the e...
Grow business with personalization

Today’s customers expect more, but your business can be one step ahead. Act fast to meet the rising de...
Personalization eBook - Drive Business Growth with Personalization

Today’s customers expect more, but your business can be one step ahead. Act fast to meet the rising de...
The Criticality of Data Integrity for Successful Cyber Resilience ... and More

Viele Unternehmen versuchen, die Herausforderungen im Bereich Datencompliance und Data Governance vor ...
Building Ransomware Resilience: Integrated and Automated Prevention/Detection/Response to Minimize Disruption

Ransomware has become a popular weapon in the hands of malicious actors who try to harm governments, b...