클라이언트: Rockwell Automation BV
양식: 백서
크기: 1020KB
언어: Français
날짜: 06.04.2023



  • Des données de production précises en temps réel, des calendriers de production planifiés, des contrôles qualité, une visibilité sur les pannes de machine et les niveaux de stock, et bien plus encore.
  • Des informations véritablement intégrées qui permettent aux fabricants d’accroître leur productivité, de minimiser les rebuts, de réduire l’inventaire de travaux en cours, de baisser les frais de transport express et d’augmenter sensiblement la productivité.
  • Un logiciel de gestion de la fabrication complet, qui offre une vision claire de la situation dans l’atelier de production, apportant d’indispensables capacités de connectivité, d’automatisation des procédés, de suivi et d’analyse.
  • 무료 다운로드
    연락처 정보를 입력하고 다운로드 버튼을 클릭하십시오. 다운로드 링크가 포함된 이메일이 발송됩니다.

    I have read and understood the privacy/terms and conditions and consent to the ascertainment, conversion, utilisation and dissemination of the data I have entered into this registration form. The B2B Media Group and originator/sponsor Rockwell Automation BV (as well as their affiliated companies, authorized distributors and recognized partners) of the document may use my contact data for the purpose of B2B marketing (via e-mail, phone, display and postal) until such time as I withdraw my consent. My agreement to the company and our partner as shown below can be revoked at any time via an E-Mail to the following address: datenschutz@b2bmg.de (Subject: Rockwell Automation BV) For further information on how we process and protect your personal data, and information about your privacy and opt-out rights, please consult the privacy policy of the organizer and the privacy policies of the sponsor.

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    Date: 1.8.2018


    • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


    • Rockwell Automation BV
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