클라이언트: HQ Europe CoachHub GmbH
양식: 백서
크기: 814KB
언어: 영어
날짜: 17.08.2023

Coaching as a Key Lever for Success in Organisational Transformation

Almost every industry around the world is experiencing volatility. As a result, there is an increasing need for organisational transformation due to changes in employee expectations, evolving societal demands and new technology. Many organisations are now trying to set themselves up to allow transformation to happen dynamically, reacting to emerging events and needs both within the workplace and the wider environment.

The success of organisational transformations comes down to how the various forces of change are managed, and seeing these through to realise their benefits. This is complex, so it is important for leaders to take an open and flexible approach, remaining aware of how this will impact employees with regards to changing demands on professional growth, attitude and workplace behaviours.

In this paper, we aim to support organisations to manage transformation effectively, using coaching to deliver strategic objectives. We will:

• Examine the underlying rationale behind organisational transformation
• Explore some key different types of organisational transformation
• Describe how coaching can help to increase the success of a change initiative

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Date: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • HQ Europe CoachHub GmbH
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