Client: ServiceNow UK Ltd
Formaat: E-boek
Grootte: 606 KB
Taal: Engels
Datum: 26.04.2024

Productivity driving with service operations

When you empower IT service and operations teams to manage their work together with shared visibility, you can deliver services 24/7, reduce IT issues and resolution times by 75%, and save 4k hours per month across both teams.

In this ebook, explore how an IT operator and IT service agent use ServiceNow® Service Operations Workspace to manage their workflows.

Read on and explore how they use a common view to:

  • Gain combined access to IT service operations data and events
  • Jointly see a flow of incidents, problems, changes, alerts, and logs
  • Collaborate to rapidly predict, identify, and resolve critical IT issues with automation

Download now to see what ServiceNow can do for you.
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Date: 1.8.2018


  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • ServiceNow UK Ltd
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