클라이언트: Red Hat
양식: 백서
크기: 136KB
언어: 영어
날짜: 01.05.2024

Maximizing development with OpenShift Virtualization

Challenging IT demands and economic conditions require a consolidated approach to supporting applications and services. Businesses cannot always afford dedicated hardware and IT teams for development programs. Instead, the current trend is to encompass multiple workload types and deployment methodologies to increase developer performance.

This includes solutions that combine containerized workloads with virtual machines. A platform that supports both container orchestration and virtualization can be a powerful solution to consolidate services and support. It also has a role in the software development and automation process known as DevOps. Since the goal is to improve performance using containers, many companies may want to start with a container platform and gradually add support for virtual machines. This type of platform is able to transition from legacy virtual machine workloads to modern containerized services, while using the same hardware and support team. 
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