Klient: Proofpoint Ltd
Format: Løsningsforslag
Størrelse: 413 kB
Språk: Engelsk
Dato: 13.05.2024

Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks fall into two main categories: email fraud and third-party software. In these attacks, cyber criminals compromise vendors or service providers in order to attack their customers and partners. Initial supplier compromise is often by phishing or malware. Once inside a supplier system, attackers can impersonate email accounts to initiate phishing, invoicing fraud or other types of attack against customers. Once attackers have breached customer systems, they can steal confidential data, install ransomware or use access to trigger a further wave of phishing or email fraud attacks. 
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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • Proofpoint Ltd
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