Klient: Informatica Software Ltd
Formát: Infografika
Velikost: 11,1 MB
Jazyk: Angličtina
Datum: 14.06.2024

Building blocks for AI: Inside the data science hierarchy of needs

When it comes to implementing artificial intelligence (AI), keep your eyes on a critical piece of the puzzle: data integration. If your data foundation for AI isn’t strong enough, problems will emerge for AI, machine learning (ML) and data science projects.

Start leading the charge in AI with cutting-edge data integration. Get our handy infographic, “AI’s Backbone: Mastering the Data Science Hierarchy of Needs,” to learn:

  • An overview of the data science hierarchy of needs
  • Prerequisites for AI success and key players
  • The pivotal role of data integration and how to master it
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  • Informatica Software Ltd
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