Klient: Concur Tech(UK)Ltd(Maidenhead)
Formát: Biela kniha
Rozsah: 943,3 KB
Jazyk: Slovenčina
Dátum: 31.07.2024

Juggling business travel compliance and flexibility: 6 ways for travel managers to meet company and traveller expectations

As long as business happens on the other side of a handshake, businesses need their employees to travel. And the people doing that travel need it as much as their employers do – they often have to be face-to-face with customers and prospects to get the job done – but if they can’t count on efficient, safe, flexible travel, they’re willing to skip the trip.

Employees’ desire to travel on their terms often competes with company expectations for controlling costs in a compacting economy and a company’s commitments to safety and sustainability. It’s a balancing act and, unfortunately, it typically falls to you.

So how do travel managers provide companies control over travel when employees are increasingly empowered to make their own choices? How do you manage it all when 91% of corporate travellers expect to be allowed to go beyond company policy for safety, sustainability, and work-life-balance – or decline the trip altogether?

Technology. With the right tools, you can give your business compliance and complete visibility – while giving business travellers the flexibility to design their own trips. And when those tools are part of platform that’s ready for anything, you can be ready for everyone’s demands.
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  • Concur Tech(UK)Ltd(Maidenhead)
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