클라이언트: StrategicABM Ltd
양식: 이북
크기: 1.44MB
언어: 영어
날짜: 05.09.2024

The Data Streaming Ecosystem

Being data-driven is no longer enough—today’s businesses have to be ready to react in real time. This reality has driven IT leaders to make investing in real-time capabilities a top priority in 2023. 

In theory, being data-driven means making decisions based on facts and metrics. In other words: reliable evidence that reflects reality. In practice, however, “data-driven” organizations are often relying on hours- or even weeks-old data to inform their decision-making. 

The longer it takes to ingest, operationalize, and use new data, the more that the value businesses can extract from that data diminishes. Seconds, or even milliseconds, of latency mean that customer-facing products and back-end operations are making decisions based on a view of data that may not match the current reality. 

Without data infrastructure in place that enables real-time data ingestion and analytics, organizations are making critical decisions without having a true picture of their internal systems, the customer experience, or even their threat landscape.

The companies that will rise above the rest are real-time capable—readily learning, understanding, and reacting to what’s really happening right now through data streaming. And by putting in place event-driven systems built for scaling, these organizations will be well-equipped to predict and preempt what’s next, too—using data pipelines to deliver the historical and real-time data needed to train and prompt artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) models. 

Unlike batch-based systems that process stored data at periodic intervals, data streaming engines and platforms allow organizations to process continuous streams of data as soon as the data is generated or a specific event occurs. Over the last decade, this data-in-motion paradigm has been rapidly adopted across geographies, industries, and business models, upping the stakes for already competitive sectors. 

But even among early adopters, few are taking advantage of the full potential of data streaming. In this ebook, we’ll explore what tech executives need to know about data streaming to successfully implement and mature their realtime capabilities.
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  • StrategicABM Ltd
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