Cliente: RedHat UK
Formato: Lista de comprobación
Tamaño: 105 KB
Idioma: Inglés
Fecha: 15.10.2024

10 ways to automate Microsoft Windows with Red Hat

It is not uncommon for organizations to have a variety of technology stacks within their enterprise, with different applications running on different operating systems, or a multitier application, where the front end runs on Linux® while the back end runs on Microsoft Windows. Automating each system and application with different tools can be complicated and inefficient, leading to solution sprawl and potential workflow bottlenecks.

With Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform, IT organizations can automate all their systems, including both Microsoft Windows and Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Using Ansible Content Collections for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Active Directory (AD), IT teams can automate the entire application life cycle through a single, robust platform. Teams can save money by consolidating disparate solutions, eliminating static operations, and aligning teams around a versatile solution with a common user interface (UI) without an advanced Linux skillset. This checklist outlines 10 ways you can use these collections to automate your Windows systems.
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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • RedHat UK
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