Клієнт: SUSE Software Solutions Spain SL
Формат: Проєктний документ
Розміри: 194,1 кБ
Мова: English
Дата: 08.01.2025

How to Face CentOS End-of-Life Challenges - Navigating the evolving open source landscape

Open source software has become a critical variable in modern enterprise technology environments. Enterprises especially depend on Linux — the biggest open source project of all — to power their business operations. By extension, they depend on a healthy, thriving open source ecosystem, first and foremost around Linux, but also a wide range of other software and tools. 

Enterprise Linux and open source are the foundation beneath most of today’s digital transformation strategies and operating models, from hybrid cloud and multicloud to containers and microservices. 

But enterprise Linux, and open source in general, isn’t just about business value and revenue potential. It’s about community and building software that benefits the greater good, not just the bottom line. 

In fact, this is what has made open source so important to enterprises today; profiting and giving back to the broader community are not mutually exclusive. Core open source principles like collaboration and shared success aren’t just good for business — they’re good for everyone. 

We have to defend those values and ensure the health of our vital open source communities for generations to come. 

And today, we are just as committed to open source and the open source community and will continue to be for decades to come. 

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  • B2B Media Group GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 91245 Simmelsdorf (B2B MG)


  • SUSE Software Solutions Spain SL
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